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Mart DeHaan

Mart DeHaan

Mart DeHaan is the grandson of Our Daily Bread Ministries founder, Dr. M. R. DeHaan, and the son of former president Richard W. DeHaan. Since 1969, he has served the ministry in a variety of roles and, in addition to being heard regularly on Discover the Word radio, continues as a senior content advisor and contributing writer for the Our Daily Bread devotional. He and his wife, Diane have two children, Benjamin and Jennifer.

Articles by Mart DeHaan

Biblical Studies

Life of Jesus Crucifixion Jesus Birth Prophecies Concerning Resurrection New Testament Old Testament People of the Bible Places of the Bible

Christian Beliefs

Angels & Satan Bible Apologetics Authority of the Bible Big Story of the Bible False Teaching Inspiration of the Bible Interpretation of the Bible Christ Deity of Christ Life & Teachings Miracles of Christ Names of Christ Person and Work of Christ Resurrection of Christ Return of Christ Savior & Messiah Union with Christ Church Creation Creation Care Future Death Eschatology (End Times) Eternal Life Heaven Hell Resurrection of Believers God Doctrine of God Fellowship With God Gods Care Love of God Reverence for God Waiting on God Holy Spirit Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Work of the Holy Spirit Humanity Fallen Nature Human Nature Personal Behavior and Responsibility Lord’s Supper Miracles Mission, Biblical theology of Salvation Assurance Atonement Faith Forgiveness Repentance Sanctification Sin Temptation The Fall Spiritual Warfare Suffering Trinity

Christian Living

Bible study Bible Study Methods Celebration Compassion Contentment Decision making Disciple-making Evangelism Gratefulness & Thankfulness Happiness Hope & Joy Led by the Spirit Living for Christ Living Like Christ Living with Other Believers Love Prayer Rest Service Spiritual gifts Stewardship Trust in God Worship

Christian Ministry & the Church

Church Administration Church Growth Church Life Counseling Leadership Mission & Purpose Preaching Unity of Believers

Christianity & Culture

Biblical Manhood & Womanhood Consumerism Materialism Philosophy & Religions Atheism Idolatry Stewardship & Giving Worldview

Ethical Issues

Injustice Integrity Persecution Poverty Racism Sexuality War

Evangelism & Missions

Evangelism How to Evangelize Serving Others World Missions


Life Struggles

Addiction Aging Anger Crisis Pregnancy Doubt Fear Greed Jealousy Pornography Pride Self-Image Work Relationships Employer/Employee Job Loss Retirement

Marriage & Family

Adoption Affairs Grandparenting Love & Marriage Parenting Preparing for Marriage Traditions & Holidays


Authenticity Betrayal Caregiving Church participation/discipline Citizenship/prayer for leaders Codependency Community Competition Conflict & Confrontation Encouragement Enemies Family of God/Fatherhood of God Family relationships Forgiving Others/Reconciliation Friendship Influencing people/mentoring Judging Others Love Mercy/justice Multiculture/race


Spiritual Growth

Beatitudes Character of Christ Character of God Discipleship Holiness Mentoring Obedience Fruit of the Spirit Humility Patience Generosity Identity in Christ Love (developing a loving character) Spiritual Disciplines Adoration Fasting Spiritual maturity Spiritual Transformation Spiritual Warfare Stories of Faith Wisdom

When Life Hurts

Abuse Spiritual Abuse Verbal Abuse Anxiety & Depression Despair Guilt Hopelessness Shame Worry Coping with Disease Emotions Grief Loneliness Mental Illness Suffering & Tragedy Suicide